Each year, students at Neumont College of Computer Science gather at the end of the winter quarter to demonstrate the projects they've developed in the last 10 weeks in a friendly competition. In 2018, students competed in gaming, non-gaming, Capstone, and Enterprise Project categories.


During Project Showcase, current students, alums, staff, faculty, and visitors, play games, test tools, try new websites, and see demonstrations of student-made software development projects at work. Each project was completed in the 10 weeks of the current quarter either as part of regular course work or as students worked on their own. Students may compete individually or in small teams, depending on the scope of the project. 

Highlights from this years Project Showcase included a stellar showing in the non-gaming category. 

  • The overall audience favorite went to a first-year student team for their tool "The DnD Cartographer." This remarkable product allows players to better track their maps and character sheets for "Dungeons & Dragons."

  • The winner of the non-gaming category was a small team for their tool "Foodie's Formula."

  • The runner up created "Spine Express." This tool allows developers to more quickly and easily work with the JS library. 

Other remarkable projects included an augmented reality mobile app for astronomy, a tool for converting black and white film to color using artificial intelligence, and a tool to connect writers and publishers.

Students with the most impressive projects are invited to demonstrate their work just a few weeks later at FReX on April 6, 2018 so future students and their families can see project-based learning in action before tackling their own engineering project. Project Showcase Prime is just one of several awesome activities that take place during our Accepted Student Weekend. If you're thinking about attending Neumont this fall, register right away at accepted.neumont.edu for this incredible event. 

Ready to find out if project-based learning is right for you? Complete your Application for Admission now at www.neumont.edu/apply