Showcasing Excellence


Showcasing Excellence

Six Students Compete in the 2024 Capstone Invitationals 

Capstone Projects are a hallmark of project-based learning, requiring students to apply their knowledge and skills to create and present a project to their classmates. These projects are graded by faculty and must be completed to advance to the next phase of their education. Capstone allows our students to demonstrate their technical prowess, creativity, and problem-solving abilities needed to complete their project, which must be completed in under 10-weeks. 

Once these projects are completed and presented, each respective program chair will select the best from their program to represent their degree at Capstone Project Invitational. Recently six exceptional students competed in the prestigious competition that highlighted their impressive projects. 

Introducing The CPI Finalists ⬇️ 

1. Carwise 

Abby showcased her project, Carwise, which involved creating an intuitive and user-friendly application that simplifies complex vehicle diagnostics. This application was created to educate vehicle owners and encourage at-home repairs to save on mechanic expenses. Abby's project stands out due to her attention to detail and commitment to improving accessibility, ensuring that her application is inclusive and easy to navigate for all users.


2. Mane Frame Photography 

Katie presented a groundbreaking dynamic web application that leverages the latest technologies to enhance performance and user interaction, even using the WCAG standards or Web Content Accessibility Standards. Katie's meticulous coding and innovative features demonstrate her deep understanding of modern web development and culminate in a web-based photography database with a western flair.


3. The Gemini Project 

MJ's project delved into the world of cybersecurity and information systems. By harnessing the power of cryptography, she built her photography website with Python, Django, ReactJS, and Axios, offering seamless text encryption into stenographic images using diverse ciphers like LSB, Vigenere, and Caesar.  


4. Brokie Studios ft. Tower of Odyssey 

Patrick's project focused on the project management of his company’s first release: Tower of Odyssey, a critical area in today's digital landscape. He created Brokie Studios with two Neumont alum and together they plan to develop a wide range of video games. Tower of Odyssey is a single-player, story driven action-adventure game.  


5. Goobin 

Platte developed an engaging and immersive game, Goobin, that utilizes artificial intelligence by using Behavior Trees and State Machines. Platte's project not only demonstrates his technical skills but also his creativity by integrating AR into practical applications, offering players an enhanced way to interact with the game. 


6. Dashtrac 

Xander designed and developed a warehouse and order management system that features automation and seamless integration with the production and warehouse teams. Dashtrac is already being used by companies like Harvest Meadow allowing Xander to test his skills in the real-world. 


These six students have demonstrated exceptional talent and dedication through their Capstone Projects. Their achievements are a testament to the quality of education and the emphasis on hands-on learning at Neumont College of Computer Science.