Neumont University Computer Science Instructor Matt Warner tackles the question of what is computer science with a succinct answer. "Computer science is using software to solve problems for people."

In a brief introductory video, he explains that software development is writing a list of instructions for a computer to understand. The example he uses to describe this process is the classic game, Tic Tac Toe.

He challenges incoming freshman who are new to computer science and Neumont University to write (yes, really) in plain English a set of instructions that a person can use to always win Tic Tac Toe. If you've dabbled in programming, he suggests writing a set of instructions for the game Four In A Row. He also suggests testing the instructions by asking someone else to play the game with following what you've written exactly. 

Students attending Freshman Orientation in September will be asked to complete a similar task as they learn more about what it means to be a Neumont University student. 

In the Class of 2019? RSVP for Freshman Orientation.