
Despite feeling some apprehension, volunteers from Neumont University's admissions, financial aid, and marketing departments knew they were doing something to benefit The Road Home. The local homeless shelter provides emergency shelter and programs to help individuals and families step out of homelessness and back into the community. 

Karick Heaton, Neumont University director of admissions described the group's arrival. “Once at the facility's door, we could tell that the entire block was swarming with individuals who are certainly less fortunate in many ways, and who also must rely on the service we were about to discover.” 

The NU volunteers were buzzed in and introduced to a number of employees “who were all very cheerful and pleasant,” Karick said.  The group took a tour through the donation warehouse where donations are delivered and “ended at the foot of a giant pile of boxes and bags, all filled with clothes, food items, and a number of interesting odds and ends.”

There were mounds of donations to tackle and the team eventually found its groove.

“We suddenly got into a rhythm and were abuzz with activity,” Karick said.  “We unloaded boxes and bags, sorted socks, hats, shirts, and canned food. We cleaned shelves, bins, and racks. And of course all the while, we were being our usual goofy selves and definitely having some fun as well. Suddenly, we were done, having cleaned an entire room of its contents.”   

Matt Brown, Neumont University enrollment coordinator summed up the team’s experience. “We arrived to see about 700 square feet of clothing that required sorting and putting away, and upon leaving the warehouse, the space that contained all that clothing only hours before was now empty."

Special thanks to Brad Morris, Neumont University financial aid advisor and the primary point of contact for this event. To learn more about the event, read the press release on PRNewswire or at