Summer is finally here and it’s almost time to start enrolling students in our newest degree program. Effective September 30, 2019, Neumont College of Computer Science will begin offering a Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering.
Our Software Engineering degree is focused on designing and creating enterprise-grade software and services that run in the cloud and provide support for companies around the globe. Students enrolled in this degree path will learn how to utilize the latest cloud technologies like Amazon’s AWS and Microsoft’s Azure, as well as how to integrate them with various platforms. This program is designed to equip graduates with the extensive knowledge in modern methodologies and coding practices required to succeed in the software engineering industry.
Graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering degree will be prepared to enter a career path as a software engineer, back-end engineer, cloud engineer, or IT consultant. The coursework is centered primarily around innovative and effective improvements in large-scale distributed systems developed and deployed in the cloud.
Neumont’s President, Dr. Aaron Reed Ed.D., Ph.D., is elated to announce our latest degree addition. “Although each of our programs have roots in software development, this is our first program solely focused on the technologies, algorithms, and processes required to be a successful software engineer in today’s world. We are looking forward to welcoming the visionary students who will enroll in this program and we’re confident they will enjoy tremendous professional success after completing their education at Neumont.”
To learn more about our newly announced Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering degree, including requirements, expectations, and courses, head to www.neumont.edu/bsse.