academic and student life coordinator
Sarah is very excited to be a Student Advocate and part of the Student Affairs team at Neumont. She has a background that spans the fields of social work, psychology, and academics.
As a Student Advocate, she works with students to assist them in preparing for success not only while in college, but also in their transition to successful employment in life-after-Neumont.
Along with being an advocate, she also coordinates and oversees the Academic Coaching program and its team of student coaches. Neumont's peer-to-peer tutoring/mentoring program assists students in their academic success while providing an opportunity for coaches to develop their skillset in professionalism and teamwork. Sarah loves working with students in all capacities and helping to enrich their experiences at Neumont.
-B.S. Psychology with a minor in Spanish, University of Utah
-B.A. Human Development and Family Studies, University of Utah