student housing rules and regulations

Welcome to the Student Housing & Residence Life program at Neumont College of Computer Science. We want to ensure that you have a great experience in our housing program. A key component of a great experience is living in an environment that is clean, orderly, and respectful. Toward that end, Neumont requires all students who reside in the housing program to comply with a variety of rules. This page includes the rules, regulations, and processes that apply to you as a participant in the Student Housing & Residence Life program. Students are responsible for being aware of these rules as outlined on this page (as well as the “Student Code” in the Student Handbook). You may be provided with a separate document that outlines your housing facility’s rules and regulations. Residents are expected to abide by rules for their housing facility and Neumont. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary and/or legal action.



In most instances, apartment changes are not allowed for the first three weeks of Fall Quarter in order to give residents an opportunity to get to know their roommates and decide whether their living situation will or will not work. Students are not permitted to change apartments until a roommate agreement has been drafted and all reasonable compromises between roommates have been explored and only if alternative space is available. If your roommate moves out, you should expect another roommate to be assigned by the Resident Life Coordinator at some point. It is your responsibility to keep the vacant room or side of the room clear and ready for occupancy. Students requesting a room change must speak with the Resident Life Coordinator to discuss a potential room change. The Resident Life Coordinator will try to give 24-hour notice if you are getting a new roommate. There are some extenuating circumstances that may cause shorter notice. A student can request an apartment change by submitting a written request to the Student Affairs Office. Student Affairs will approve or deny these requests based on availability in other apartments and the needs of the housing program. The first approved apartment change will be free of charge, but additional changes may result in a $50 fee. This fee may be waived at the discretion of Student Affairs. Student Affairs may define a date for apartment changes.


If an occupant of the apartment knows that a violation has occurred or is occurring, it is their responsibility to contact a Resident Advisor (RA) or Student Affairs staff immediately, or as soon as is reasonably possible, by calling the RA on-call phone at (801) 634-5462. All residents and guests in an apartment may be held accountable for policy violations committed in the apartment unless they contact an RA or Student Affairs. It is the responsibility of a student who knows of a violation to report it.


Upon check-in, residents will be expected to fill out and sign a Neumont Housing Agreement, an Emergency Contact Sheet, Housing Etiquette Form, a Room Condition Report, and, if applicable, an apartment complex application and background check. It is important to fill out the Room Condition Report with detail and accuracy as this document will be used at checkout to determine damage charges. It is the resident’s responsibility to give a completed Room Condition Report to an RA or Student Affairs staff within three days of moving into an apartment or they may not be accepted. Residents may also need to give a copy of their driver’s license to Student Affairs staff. The copy may be given to apartment complex management. When a new resident checks into an apartment, all residents may compile a new roommate agreement. More information on this can be found under the heading “Roommate Agreement.” Prior to the first day of class, students attend Freshman Orientation Kickoff and Housing Orientation to help answer critical questions and to complete important paperwork. Attendance is required. Please make travel arrangements accordingly. The date and time for these events will be published annually in the Student Housing packet received by incoming students. All paperwork and fees must be turned in within three days of moving into an apartment.


To check out of housing, students should contact an RA or Student Affairs and schedule a checkout time. Students must schedule a checkout appointment at least 48 hours prior to their desired checkout time. A detailed Cleaning Guidelines document is available on the Neumont website. Satisfactorily completing all items on the checkout sheet will reduce or eliminate additional cleaning charges at checkout. All personal belongings must be removed from the apartment prior to the checkout, including the student’s mattress. Failure to remove the mattress will result in a $50 fee. This fee will cover the cost of environmentally safe disposal of the mattress. RAs will have students complete a Room Condition Report and return keys. Once apartment keys are returned, residents will not be able to regain access to the apartment. In some instances, damage charges are not fully known at checkout. Student deposits will be held until all damages and cleaning charges are known. Neumont will then subtract damage and cleaning charges from the deposit and issue a check for the remainder or invoice the student for the additional cost. If the student has a balance on their account, any refund amount will be applied to their account and a check will not be issued. If Student Affairs becomes aware of damages, or cleaning charges are define in, during the time in which a student continues to reside in an apartment, damages will either be deducted from a student’s deposit (if they have, at the time of the charge, resided in Student Housing for at least one calendar year) or assessed to their student account (if, at the time of the charge, the student has resided in the housing program for less than one year). Failure to make or keep an appointment with the RA for checkout, failure to give the RA 48 hours notice, failure to give a proper 30-day written Intent to Vacate notice, or any other improper checkout may result in a $150 improper checkout fee in addition to any cleaning, maintenance, damage, or missing key charges. Failure to meet the Intent to Vacate deadline will result in additional housing charges.


Apartment and common areas shall be kept clean and sanitary by residents. Neumont or its agents have permission to enter a resident’s premises without approval for purposes of conducting a cleaning or health and safety inspection on a monthly or as-needed basis. These inspections verify care of the unit and furniture; verify occupant safety; or meet other College needs. Neumont is hereby authorized to enter units at any time, without prior notice. Student’s failure to maintain the unit and furnishings may result in community service hours. Failure to maintain the unit and furnishings may result in a $250 fee and in extreme cases shall be grounds for eviction under the resident’s Housing Agreement. Agents of the housing facilities may enter premises during reasonable hours and upon reasonable notice for maintenance or business purposes.


Residents agree to maintain the premises, appliances, furnishings, and fixtures at move-in condition. Residents may borrow cleaning supplies from their RA at any time. The apartment is expected to be clean at the end of each quarter and ready for additional residents to occupy vacancies. If the apartment does not meet Health and Safety standards according to the cleaning guidelines, the college may bring in a professional cleaning company to clean the apartment. The cost of the cleaning and/or damage will be divided equally among the apartment residents. At checkout, residents will be assessed cleaning fees and damage charges if move-in condition is not maintained. These charges will be deducted from your housing deposit. If the amount exceeds the housing deposit you will be invoiced for additional charges that are incurred. Neumont and housing-facility management are not responsible for damage to personal belongings under any circumstances. Residents are charged a $25 floor or carpet cleaning fee upon leaving Neumont housing. This fee does not apply to room or apartment changes (that is, students are charged this fee one time only), and is generally deducted from the housing deposit.

Common Billing Charges:

  • Trash/items left behind: $50 per bag

  • Carpet damage: $20 per square ft

  • Paint damages/patches: $25 for each one

  • Missing keys: $150

  • Improper checkout: $150

  • Mattress removal: $50

  • Hardware replacement (towel bars, etc.): $15 per item

  • Professional cleaning fees: Varies


Student Housing involves communal living, a situation that demands common courtesy. It is not possible to list all behaviors that might be considered inappropriate or inconsiderate. However, residents are expected to act in a manner that is respectful and with an awareness of the other individuals living in the community. This level of courtesy involves keeping bedrooms, bathrooms, and common areas clean; limiting guests; observing posted and requested quiet times; and avoiding comments and behavior roommates may find offensive. Students who engage in persistent discourteous behavior in their apartment may be required to move or to leave the housing program.


Neumont reserves the right to relocate students at any time during the term, either permanently or temporarily, for any reason, including roommate incompatibility, disciplinary or judicial sanction purposes, to fill vacancies or accommodate private room requests, or to repair a unit or return it to the apartment complex.


Neumont has a zero-tolerance policy relating to drug and alcohol possession in the apartment complexes. Illegal drugs and alcohol are not permitted anywhere at any facility used as Student Housing. Drug and alcohol paraphernalia (any item whose intended use can be defined as drug or alcohol paraphernalia) is strictly prohibited. Drug paraphernalia includes, but is not limited to, pipes, bongs, hookahs, and water-based smoking apparatuses, roach clips, scales, etc. Alcohol paraphernalia includes but is not limited to bottles, cans, etc. Infractions of this policy will be dealt with in the form of judicial sanctions up to and including removal from the housing program or expulsion from Neumont. Public authorities may also be involved. Housing facility policies, as well as state and federal laws, governing use of tobacco and other substances must be observed at all times. Neumont does not permit smoking in any building under any circumstance, including electronic devices. There is a limited exception to the alcohol prohibition in Student Housing: Apartments in which all residents are 21 years of age or older and who have applied for, and received, permission, may possess and consume alcohol in their apartment under certain conditions. Designated alcohol-permitted apartments in Student Housing are available on a limited basis. To apply, contact Student Affairs. While underage guests are allowed in the alcohol-permitted apartments, no alcohol may be consumed while underage guests are present. If the designated alcohol permitted unit wishes to have guests over, no more than twice the number of people assigned to the apartment may be in the apartment. If the residents wish to have additional guests, they may apply for and receive a permit. This can be done through the Residence Life Coordinator in Student Affairs. In these apartments, while alcohol is being consumed, the door to the apartment must be closed. Additionally, alcohol must be stored in cabinets, the refrigerator, or another inconspicuous location, and alcohol containers may not be used as decoration. When bringing alcohol to their alcohol-permitted apartment, residents must keep the alcohol in a bag and ensure that the contents are not visible to passersby. Residents of alcohol-permitted apartments are subject to additional rules as determined by Student Affairs, and status as an alcohol-permitted apartment may be revoked in response to a violation of policy or other cause.


Students will comply with the instructions of Neumont agents including RAs and Student Affairs personnel, as well as other housing-facility personnel. Failure to comply will be considered a violation of the Housing Agreement.


In fulfillment of its mission to contribute broadly to students’ lives, and to facilitate high academic achievement, Neumont College requires that students enrolled in their first four quarters live in Student Housing unless an exemption is granted by the Director of Student Affairs. Exemptions may be granted because the student resides with immediate family within 30 miles of campus, the student has reached the age of 21 prior to the start of a quarter, because of a documented medical condition, the student is married, or the student lives with a dependent.


Residents are granted the privilege of having one overnight guest per resident in the apartment at a time. The following guidelines must be met in exercising this privilege:

  1. A student, with the permission of all roommates, may have no more than one overnight guest at any time.

  2. Approval must be overt (verbalized or communicated in writing, such as a text message), not assumed.

  3. The overnight guest may stay a maximum of two nights in a seven-day period. A guest must comply with all college policies.

  4. The host is responsible for the actions of their guest. In the event of behavior requiring disciplinary action, the host accepts full responsibility (financial or otherwise) for the guest.

  5. Guests must be accompanied by their host at all times. This applies to any guest, including current students housed in a different location.

  6. Guests must be accompanied by their host at all times.

  7. There is no co-habitation.

  8. This applies to any guest, including current students housed in a different location.


The Student is required to pay a $275 security deposit. The security deposit is not intended, nor shall it be construed, to be applied as rent by the Student. Up to $250 of the security deposit is refundable upon vacating the unit, less cleaning and other costs necessary to return the unit to its original condition, notwithstanding normal wear and tear, and not within 12 months of moving into the housing program. The Student is also required to pay a $75 housing application fee and a $125 mattress fee. The Student will be provided with a standard-length new mattress upon moving into the housing program, and the mattress will be theirs to keep. Failure to remove the mattress will result in a $50 disposal fee. When a student changes apartment, whether by request or by necessity, if charges from damages are incurred and deducted from the initial housing deposit a new deposit will be required to cover the amount deducted. A housing deposit of $275 must always be available on the students account. For example, if a student requests to move to a different apartment and upon checkout receives damage charges in the amount of $75, another deposit of $75 would be placed on their account.


When a student plans to vacate Student Housing, they are required to give a 30-day notice (30 days prior to the end of the current term) to Student Affairs. This notice must be in writing as part of the Intent to Vacate Worksheet. Please note that an Intent to Vacate notice is a commitment to leave housing. Students are strongly encouraged to ensure proper arrangements have been made at a new location prior to submitting the Intent to Vacate notice. Once this notification has been submitted to Student Affairs, students are required to check-out of their apartment and the housing program no later than three days after the last school day of the quarter.

The Intent to Vacate deadline is firm. Submission of an Intent to Vacate notice after the deadline, but before the first day of the following term, may result in a $500 Late Intent to Vacate fee. This fee is non-negotiable as it will help to mitigate additional costs incurred by the College by the unexpected vacancy. Students who submit an Intent to Vacate notice after the new term commences are typically charged housing fees for the entire term. If a student withdraws from Neumont during the first 28 calendar days of the quarter, the student will be charged for one-third of the quarterly housing fees. If the student withdraws after the first 28 calendar days, they will be charged the full quarterly housing fees.


Keys may not be loaned out. Residents are not allowed to make duplicate copies of keys, nor should they add, change, or in any way alter any key or locking mechanism. A $5 fee will be assessed for damaging or losing a key and requesting a replacement. There will also be a $150 charge to change the locks if keys are not turned in upon checkout. Please safeguard your keys.


When the Director of Student Affairs or a designee receives a report from friends, family members, or employees that a student who resides in campus housing may be missing, the Director of Student Affairs will initiate an investigation. The Director of Student Affairs will notify the person(s) listed on the student’s emergency contact form and the appropriate law enforcement agency regarding the situation within 24 hours, once the college declares the student missing. If the student is under the age of 18, the Director of Student Affairs will automatically contact the student’s parents/guardian.


One goal of Resident Life at Neumont is to provide an area conducive to study and rest. Student Housing and Residence Life quiet hours are from 8 p.m. until 8 a.m. although housing facilities may have quiet hours that are in addition to the 12 hours listed above. All residents are responsible for maintaining 24-hour courtesy hours. During quiet hours, students must keep noise levels to a minimum. Please be particularly aware of noise from sound/stereo equipment; conversation levels in public areas such as hallways and stairways, which may disturb nearby residents. Keep in mind that the typical noise level during the year may be perceived as a louder noise level during exam times. Residents shall not be disorderly, boisterous, or unlawful and shall not disturb the rights, comforts, or convenience of other persons in the apartment community at any time.


Parking varies per complex, ranging from $50 - $100 per month and is available on a limited basis at all non-Tower housing locations. Please see the Residence Life Coordinator to request a parking space. Students are responsible for identifying and paying for additional parking outside of the housing program. Students park at their own risk. Parking spaces are limited within our housing facilities and are offered on a first come, first served basis. There is no free student parking available at the campus or for students residing in the Tower. Students utilizing a student parking space within the housing program are required to give a 30-day notice of their intent to vacate their parking space; failure to do so will result in a $50 fee.


The housing deposit and application fees are due prior to move-in. The entire quarter’s housing fees will be added to the student’s account the first week of each quarter.


Students agree to comply with the terms of this agreement and all policy addendums submitted after the move-in date for which there is reasonable notice, and/or community regulations of the housing facility in which they reside. Students are responsible for knowing and observing the policies of their housing facility, as well as the policies set forth in this document and subsequent addendums.


Residents who experience an infestation, including rodents, insects, and/or other pests, are required to report the infestation to the RA first, then to the Resident Life Coordinator in a timely manner. Residents who fail to do so may incur potential costs associated with remedying the issue.


Fish are the only pets allowed in Student Housing. If an unauthorized pet is found in a student apartment, the occupants may be assessed fines up to $2,000 to cover the cost of replacing carpet in the apartment. Students that require a Service Animal or an Emotional Support Animal will need to contact the Disability Support Services Coordinator in Student Affairs. They can be reached via email at or on campus in the Student Affairs department. The student must make an official request through the school for accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act and have receive formal approval prior to bringing a Service or Emotional Support Animal to student housing.


Residents may not possess or view pornography in any medium while in Neumont-sponsored apartments. Mediums include, but are not limited to, Neumont-issued laptops, personal computers, televisions, video equipment, publications, etc. Under both federal and state laws, it's illegal to produce, distribute, or sell child pornography. Utah criminalizes child pornography under the Sexual Exploitation Act. This act prohibits the sexual exploitation of minors (people who are less than 18 years old).


Neumont, as well as the management at any apartment complex used to house Neumont students, reserves the right to remove residents for violation(s) of any College and/or apartment complex rules or regulations (see the “Student Code” in the Student Handbook). Students who are removed from their apartment by apartment complex management or the college due to inappropriate behavior may or may not, at the discretion of Student Affairs, receive an alternate placement within the housing program. Students who are removed from housing will forfeit all deposits and rent for the remainder of the term. Students who have completed fewer than four full quarters are required, with limited exceptions, to reside in Student Housing. If a student who is required to live in Neumont-sponsored housing for a year is still in their first four quarters and is removed from the program due to misconduct, the student may be suspended or dismissed from the college for non-compliance with the mandatory first-year housing policy. Students who have withdrawn or been dismissed from the college, or who have stopped attending/participating in classes, must vacate student housing within 72 hours of their withdrawal/dismissal or last day of attendance. This includes voluntary and involuntary withdrawals.


Neumont is not responsible for damage to residents’ personal property for any reason. Neumont strongly recommends residents purchase renters insurance.


All requests for repairs and services should be submitted to an RA or the Residence Life Coordinator. Neumont will contact the apartment complex and follow-up to ensure the maintenance issue has been resolved.


Neumont employs Resident Advisors to assist students with housing needs. RAs are fellow students who are hired to ensure policies are maintained, interact with the administration and the housing facility management, facilitate appropriate paperwork, and provide activities for residents.


A Roommate Agreement is a written document that outlines each resident’s expectations and general living guidelines. It is completed at the option of the residents in an apartment. Student Affairs recommends that a Roommate Agreement be completed by every resident in an apartment whenever a new resident moves in. Student Affairs staff are available to assist students with this process. The goal of the Roommate Agreement is for everyone to reach a comfortable compromise in living conditions and to reduce or eliminate roommate conflicts.


In the event of an unresolved conflict with a roommate, students are encouraged to notify the Residence Life Coordinator or an RA to schedule a roommate meeting or mediation.


Safety is of utmost concern to Neumont. Smoke detectors are in each apartment. Neumont recommends students purchase a fire extinguisher. Do not block or obstruct sidewalks, steps, entrance halls, and stairs. Grilling on any deck or balcony is not permitted.


Smoking is not permitted in the apartments, including the use of electronic devices. Smoking is permitted in designated areas at each housing facility if it does not inconvenience roommates or neighbors and if all cigarette butts and other associated trash are not littered on the property. Smoking on the deck, patio, or balcony is never permitted. Additionally, lit candles, incense and any other item that uses or produces and open flame are not permitted in the apartments. Portable electronic devices such as irons are permissible when manufacturer guidelines are followed. Residents should insure that the appliance is designed for indoor use and that the power requirements match standard outlet voltage.

Common Sense Fire Prevention:

  • Do not overload electrical circuits.

  • No fireworks stored in rooms.

  • No candles or open flames.

  • Never store flammable liquids of any kind.

  • No firearms or ammunition in residence halls.


It may become necessary to temporarily assign a student to a unit or a hotel for up to seven days. If permanent residence is not accessible within seven days of the start of the term, the student may cancel the Neumont College Housing Agreement and receive a rent and security deposit refund.


In order to meet the guidelines for health and safety inspections, and in consideration of roommates, trash must be emptied no less than once per week. Residents must place all garbage in dumpsters, and not on the ground next to the dumpsters, outside apartment doors, on balconies, walkways, laundry room trash cans, or anywhere in parking lots. Apartments with trash valet service may only place garbage outside their door in designated containers at the specified times. Trash must also be emptied from all residents’ rooms before the winter break and when leaving. A minimum $50 fine is incurred when residents do not remove all trash.


The Housing Agreement covers 12 months. Residents must inform Student Affairs in writing of their intent to vacate their apartment 30 days prior to the end of the term. Students who vacate at times other than the end of the term will typically be responsible for the entire term’s rent. Students who wish to terminate their housing commitment prior to the completion of 12 months will forfeit their housing deposit.


Student Housing residents must properly dispose of garbage. The following utilities are included at each housing facility: electricity, natural gas, trash collection, water, sewer, and internet. Residents may make their own arrangements for television (included at some facilities), and telephone service. The cost of these services is not covered by the college. Neumont has the right to invoice students for any utility costs considered excessive. The college may choose to invoice the student and their roommates equally for utility costs exceeding $200 per month per unit. This assessment will be added to the student’s account at Neumont.


The Commons is a community space intended for studying and small-group activities. The space is available to students on an unlimited basis and is subject to all rules outlined in the Student Handbook. Only students may be in the space between 9 PM and 7 AM. Language in The Commons must always remain professional. Foul language will not be tolerated, and you may be called out by staff at any time. Access to The Commons may be decreased in response to abuse of this policy. The Commons may be closed for private events on a limited basis. Notices will be posted prior to event closures.


Weapons are not allowed on Neumont’s campus or at its housing facilities. This weapons ban includes, but is not limited to: switchblades, large knives, hatchets, axes, swords, collector’s knives and swords, guns, explosives, fireworks, and other items defined by the college as weapons. Paintball and air pressure guns require registration with Student Affairs prior to bringing them on campus. It is at the discretion of Student Affairs to allow students to store these items in Student Housing, though these items are not to be used in housing or on campus. For questions about what constitutes a weapon, please contact an RA or Student Affairs.